
AST podcasts and recordings

August 06, 2018

"Medical Issues in Live Liver Donor Evaluations" was recorded at ATC 2018 as part of our Transplant in 10 (Tx10) educational series. Visit our Tx10 page to view the corresponding video for this session.

Speaker: Nazia Selzner, MD, PhD, Toronto General Hospital

August 06, 2018

"CRISPR Genetics and transplantation" was recorded at ATC 2018 as part of our Transplant in 10 (Tx10) educational series. Visit our Tx10 page to view the corresponding video for this session.

Speaker: A. Joseph Tector, MD, PhD, University of Alabama

August 06, 2018

"Hepatitis C (HCV)-infected donors to non-HCV-infected recipients" was recorded at ATC 2018 as part of our Transplant in 10 (Tx10) educational series. Visit our Tx10 page to view the corresponding video for this session.

Speaker: Cameron Wolfe, MBBS(Hons), MPH, FIDSA, Duke University Medical Center

August 06, 2018

"My Donor is Infected: Safe to Accept?" was recorded at ATC 2018 as part of our Transplant in 10 (Tx10) educational series. Visit our Tx10 page to view the corresponding video for this session.

Speaker: Cameron Wolfe, MBBS(Hons), MPH, FIDSA, Duke University Medical Center

August 06, 2018

"Use of virtual crossmatch in sensitized recipients" was recorded at ATC 2018 as part of our Transplant in 10 (Tx10) educational series. Visit our Tx10 page to view the corresponding video for this session.

Speaker: Robert Bray, PhD, D(ABHI), Emory University Hospital

August 06, 2018

"How to screen and manage BK infection" was recorded at ATC 2018 as part of our Transplant in 10 (Tx10) educational series. Visit our Tx10 page to view the corresponding video for this session.

Speaker: Daniel C. Brennan, MD, Johns Hopkins School of Medicine

August 06, 2018

"Vaccination in SOT patients" was recorded at ATC 2018 as part of our Transplant in 10 (Tx10) educational series. Visit our Tx10 page to view the corresponding video for this session.

Speaker: Lara Danziger-Isakov, MD, MPH, Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center

August 06, 2018

"Post-transplant lymphoproliferative disorders (PTLDs)" was recorded at ATC 2018 as part of our Transplant in 10 (Tx10) educational series. Visit our Tx10 page to view the corresponding video for this session.

Speaker: Vikas R. Dharnidharka, MD, MPH, Washington University and St. Louis Children's Hospital

August 06, 2018

"Marginal donors: who should receive these kidneys?" was recorded at ATC 2018 as part of our Transplant in 10 (Tx10) educational series. Visit our Tx10 page to view the corresponding video for this session.

Speaker: John J. Friedewald, MD, FAST, Northwestern University

August 06, 2018

"Drug-Drug interactions and immunosuppression" was recorded at ATC 2018 as part of our Transplant in 10 (Tx10) educational series. Visit our Tx10 page to view the corresponding video for this session.

Speaker: Steve Gabardi, PharmD, BCPS, FAST, FCCP
