Federal and State Laws About Living Donation
Federal Legislation:
- Donor Leave Laws: Employees of the federal government receive 30 days paid leave for organ donation and 7 days for bone marrow donation. The leave is over and above the employee’s sick and annual leave. (HR457/ Public Law 106-56)
- Tax Credit (Pending legislation): Legislation has been introduced that would provide a federal tax credit of up to $5,000 for unreimbursed expenses, including lost wages, for living donors of kidney, liver, lung, pancreas, intestine or bone marrow. This legislation has not yet been passed.
State Legislation:
Many states have enacted various laws in support of living organ donation. These laws vary from state-to-state. The following links provide information regarding the various state laws:
- The American Transplant Foundation maintains a webpage with a chart of various state efforts in support of organ donation and transplantation. Included is information regarding state laws in support of living donation. https://www.americantransplantfoundation.org/2020/03/12/living-donor-laws-federal-and-state-by-state/
- The University of North Carolina Kidney Center also maintains a list of donation and transplant-related policy initiatives, including living organ donation, by state. http://unckidneycenter.org/kidneyhealthlibrary/ health-policy