"Cytomegalovirus serologic matching in deceased donor kidney allocation optimizes high‐ and low‐risk (D+R− and D−R−) profiles and does not adversely affect transplant rates"

Recorded live on Tuesday, August 25, 2020 • Hosted by the Infectious Disease Community of Practice (IDCOP)

"Cytomegalovirus serologic matching in deceased donor kidney allocation optimizes high‐ and low‐risk (D+R− and D−R−) profiles and does not adversely affect transplant rates." (Am J Transplant. 2020 May 06. doi.org/10.1111/ajt.15976.)

In this article:
The most significant risk for developing Cytomegalovirus (CMV) infection after transplant depends upon donor (D) and recipient (R) CMV serostatus. In 2012, [an] Organ Procurement Organization (OPO) began a novel pretransplant CMV prevention strategy via matching deceased kidney donors and recipients by CMV serostatus... After the matching protocol, high‐risk D+R− were reduced from 18.5% to 2.9%, whereas low‐risk D−R− were increased from 13.5% to 24%. There was no adverse effect on transplant rates and no differential effect on waiting times for R+ vs R− after the protocol was implemented. [The authors believe this] protocol could be implemented on a regional or national level to optimize low and high‐risk CMV seroprofiles and potentially improve CMV‐related outcomes in kidney transplantation.

Joe Lockridge, MD • Portland VA Health Care System, Oregon Health and Science University, Portland, OR

Jennifer Chow, MD, MS • Tufts Medical Center, Boston, MA
Jonathan Maltzman, MD, PhD, FAST • Stanford University, Palo Alto, CA

Q&A Guest:
Douglas Norman, MD • Oregon Health and Science University, VA Medical Center, Portland, OR

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