Recipient sex and estradiol levels affect transplant outcomes in an age-specific fashion

Recorded live on Friday, August 6, 2021 • Hosted jointly by AST's Community of Transplant Scientists (COTS) and Women's Health Community of Practice (WHCOP)

"Recipient sex and estradiol levels affect transplant outcomes in an age-specific fashion"
(Am J Transplant. 2021 May 28. doi: 10.1111/ajt.16611. Online ahead of print.)

In this article:
Sex-specific influences have been shown for a variety of diseases. Whether donor or recipient sex and sex hormone levels impact alloimmune responses remains unclear. In unifactorial and multifactorial analyses of more than 400 000 SRTR listed kidney transplant patients, we found that younger female recipients had an inferior death-censored graft survival that was independent of donor sex. In contrast, graft survival was superior in older female recipients, suggesting the impact of recipient sex hormones over chromosomal sex mismatches... [Clinical observations demonstrated] age-specific graft survival patterns in female recipients. Estrogen levels, in turn, impact the fate of T cell subsets, providing relevant and novel information on age- and sex-specific alloimmunity.

- Jasper Iske, MD • Brigham and Women`s Hospital, Boston, MA
- Friederike Martin, MD • Charité-Medical University, Berlin, Germany
- Stefan Tullius, MD, PhD • Brigham and Women`s Hospital, Boston, MA

- Amandeep Bajwa, PhD • University of Tennessee Health Science Center, Memphis, TN
- Dianne McKay, MD, FAST • Scripps Clinic, San Diego, CA

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